Amazfit Smartwatch

Got a Smartwatch that’s $220 or so and it’s just changed my entire life. Now when people msg me or I get emails it alerts me on my phone or buzzes my wrist. I can leave my phone plugged in and just cruise around with my watch. It does all sorts of things:

  • weather,
  • stress meter,
  • gives me reports on my sleep or naps
  • Has a hangup button for when someone calls you (instead of actually talk to them)
  • Set alarms and buzz you awake in the morning or whenever
  • Has a light (becomes white face and pumps brightness to max)
  • Read emails that come in or notifications on anything
  • Change the watchface. There isn’t a TON of choices but there are at least 50-100. Pretty cool, when you get sick of your watchface, change it.
  • Heart rate
  • Blood Oxygen
  • Like 150 exercises
  • Put it in nightmode and ignore any messages/notifications
  • Control your mp3s back on your phone with your watch. The coolest is wear it in the shower then connect your phone to my ANKER boombox (waterproof) and control that in the shower.
  • Find your phone (hit that in a meeting one day and my phone goes crazy)
  • There’s only about 10 extra apps I found but one is a calculator
  • Steps
  • Waterproof for shower or swimming (KEY)
  • Great batthery life

Amazfit / T-REX

There are multiple versions. Not sure which I got but it was $220+

And it’s not a stupid Apple watch. It’s not android either.

I’m sure there are better watches out there but who knows. This is the first that I liked.

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