I really hate alphas and betas

We got our start there, so that’s shocking but my issue with that is just straight up wasted time. You lose all your progress. You ruin all of the surprises of the game so you’re less excited when it comes out. The UO beta was awesome, the War2 Alpha and D1 beta was fun. The WoW beta was fun. But that’s not the case for every game going forward. If you get some bonus in-game content for testing it out, sure. whatever. I can live without it.

You do get a chance to give feedback and improve the game based on YOUR feedback, obviously, if the devs aren’t aholes.

But you’re doing bitch work. You’re doing the work of QA testers without being paid. After I left QA, I didn’t see the need to keep acting as QA, at least past 2007 or so. Early on when you’re helping make the company or game, you’re doing something to help but past a certain point, that’s not your job anymore. Someone else can do it. That’s not something you’re ever allowed to say of course. haha.

As a business it’s great to have your fans doing that work for you by both getting to see the game early and acting as FREE QA. But personally, that’s not something I have time for for many many years. So I skip nearly every beta/alpha but certainly don’t fault you for getting to see a game early and what fun you might have doing that. I don’t fault people for getting in as soon as possible and getting a jump up on the release but for ME, that’s not something I’ve done for 15+ years now except in rare instances (early access).

So when people are like are you playing the whatever beta? No. haha.