I got a whole house fan. I’ve wanted once since 2016 but the lady was having a fit if I didn’t spend every $$ on her. Finally I got it. The idea is it sucks in air from your windows, and out the attic. I added 2 vents too.
Unfortunately it went from $1000 to $2400 during that time. I haven’t had a chance to test it during really hot weather because we got a discount for installing it during the cold times. But the air does FINALLY flow into the house when before it never did without having the garage door partly open and the fire door to garage open. But then the cats would get out.
I’ve hated the house for 10+ years cuz I spend all my time with shirt off cuz it’s too hot. I tried running the air at 77 for 1 month and it was $780 for 2 months electricity. Can’t even cool it enough to be livable and this is NEAR THE BEACH.
I have a whole house fan and it’s a life saver in the summer. My house gets so darn heat soaked in the summer that even if it’s cool at night, the house stays hot. The fan helps with that in a big way. I think you’re going to be very happy with your purchase in a few months.