
All these leaders wanted to expose people’s real names on the forums to make it like Facebook. I was like, no one wants that. If you wanted your real name shown, you’d put your posts on Facebook or some other place that exposes your name. Gamers like to create their own gaming names and use those and not be forced to use them.

Then imagine the female gamers who would be suddenly targeted when it was exposed they were female. Imagine that horror, especially 5-10 years ago.

Who the f wants to be doxed on the forums?

Sure there ARE forums that use real names, but they’re not especially common on gaming forums.

Of course, people thought I’m just a negative person and ignored me. This other girl that everyone hated also said the same thing and agreed with me. We were the two outsiders that knew it was a stupid idea.

Ignore the negative people, they’re always negative! ORRRRR

Then we were both vindicated in the end and no one gave us any credit for being right. We could have avoided a big scandal.