Who gives a shit about

Who gives a shit about

  • Politically motivated wars outside the US (isn’t that what Obama ran on to fix?)
  • The EU
  • Terrorism. They removed any freedoms that existed prior so the war was lost. More attacks than ever in the last 5 years. FBI always knew the attacker. Wake me up when I can go to the airport and meet people off the plane again.
  • Electric cars (create more waste than they save, expensive, limited range) unless your backyard is solar panels. But speed and cheating in the carpool lane is cool.
  • Voting
  • Adding Solar to your home: Isn’t really off-grid and fails during outages. They no longer pay you well to give power back. Removed the rebates. Is like $20K+
  • New Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Avatar 2, Disney Movies
  • Woke language
  • Sports
  • Covid 19 
  • Plastic in the Ocean (China/Africa are causing it mainly and they are never targeted so it’s beyond our control until they do as we’re 1%)
  • FBI TV Shows or Movies
  • Any patriotism movies/tv now. What was the point if it led us to today?
  • Drugs (although a literal crackhead did come by my garage and ask me to buy drugs the other month)

Should care about but they’re never going to fix with the methods they use

  • climate change in the rare instances we can actually control it (during Covid LA had clear air as everyone was home)
  • homelessness

Should care about

(It’s funny how a lot of this stuff was fine prior to Jan 2021)

  • targeting kids, brainwashing kids, modifying kids
  • all of the Christians being killed and targeted by Godless Satanic infidels. Least the bible tells us this will happen. Go out with Jesus heroes.
  • Political and social brainwashing in schools by woke teachers, schools, and government
  • Churches being targeted and destroyed across US, Canada, EU
  • Inflation
  • gas prices
  • food prices
  • crime and today’s zero consequences
  • shoplifting (ruins stores, causes them to close)
  • Banks all Merging into 5.
  • Brainwashing on TV/Movies
  • Nice areas turning to shit because of crime, homeless, and shoplifting
  • Businesses that aren’t allowed to fail (kept alive by the government)
  • Monopolies are never addressed (Electric, Social Media, Banks, Cable)
  • Only A few companies control all food ownership
  • Foreign countries buying up American land
  • Companies trying to force social credit score on businesses
  • Woke workplaces
  • Trying to tax driving by miles
  • Climate Change Tax
  • Triple and Quad Taxation on the same shit: (pay, sales tax, tax for selling same thing on ebay/venmo/paypal, death tax).
  • Vaccines by makers trying to make $$ off them that don’t take them themselves.
  • car prices & interest rate
  • 401k performance
  • house prices & interest rate
  • Taiwan falling to China (the last free Chinese)
  • government overreach
  • censorship
  • Gestapo
  • American Gulag